Hand Pipes and their Types Explained
Hand pipes used for smoking are available in various shapes and sizes, with different features and materials. It could become tricky for the first-timers or beginners to choose the right and most suitable hand pipe; hence, here is a guide to help you.
Wooden Hand Pipes
Wooden hand pipes often remind us of an era when men dressed in black trench coats with hats and boots used to have a smoking pipe in their hands. Such hand pipes are now a part of history which is one of the reasons people still love to collect them as a souvenir from the past. These wooden pipes used to be the best ones in their time as they gave a wonderful natural flavor with the herbs. However, it has a drawback. These pipes are difficult to clean because of their material. Wood cannot be clean using any solution or alcohol as it would spoil the pipe, ruining the entire smoking experience. Hence, these attractive-looking wooden pipes are now just collectibles.
Metal Hand Pipes
One of the handiest, most durable, and the cheapest alternatives to a wooden pipe, metal hand pipes are also readily available at local smoke stores, convenience stores, and online shopping sites. These are easy to dismantle and clean and can be carried anywhere. However, it has a negative aspect too. A metal smoking pipe also has its peculiar metallic taste, which mixes with the herbs. A metal pipe will never be appreciated by the true admirers of the different flavors of the herbs. Thus, only go for a metal hand pipe if its metallic taste doesn't bother you.
Glass Hand Pipe
Glass hand pipes are the best out of them all. These classic-looking hand pipes are the best at delivering the highest quality of smoke without interfering with the taste. Glass pipes are made from scientifically formulated glass that can withstand heat and be cleaned using solutions and alcohol. The art of glass blowing has enabled us to produce some classic pieces which are now kept as collectibles but can also be used if one desires to. However, these are fragile pieces and need extra care when transporting them.
All pipes are classics in their way with some drawbacks. However, people have used them. These pipes are still in demand whether to smoke or just to include in a collection. People also use other tools to smoke, like bongs and rolling papers. You can get yours from our online store, Puff 21. So, call us now!