Snap Up Water Pipe

by puff21


The water Pipe Bong Snap Up is an essential accessory for any smoker who needs something portable and discreet. With just a few simple steps, this wildly versatile device will turn any water bottle into an extraordinary smoking experience. Kick back in comfort with the perfect blend of luxury and convenience. Utilize refined precision to get just the right temperature when you pair 18mm and 14mm glass pieces, along with ceramic bowls that evenly disperse heat throughout your environment. The perfect addition for any stylish smoker!

Crafted with an attention to safety and quality, this product is designed for versatility; it’s made of medical-grade silicone & food-grade plastic – while also offering separate wells that prevent the blending of flavors. Its clever design also ensures that you get optimal performance while using the water pipe bong snap-up. The water pipe bong snap-up is not only stylish but also incredibly convenient; perfect for any smoker on the go! Its innovative construction means that it is more than capable of delivering an enjoyable smoking experience with each use.

With its straightforward maintenance and discreet design, the Water Pipe Bong Snap Up is a must-have for all smokers who appreciate stylish portability. This dependable piece of apparatus ensures that smoking on the go remains hassle-free!


Some Specs:

  • Inner diameter 20mm – 30.4mm
  • External diameter 29.8mm – 37.3mm

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